Our Lady of Caysasay
Our Lady of Caysasay
by Lulu Policarpio
Undoubtedly, numerous stories about Our
Lady have sprouted all over the world. However, the story of how she, as
Our Lady of Caysasay, has particularly manifested herself in barangay
Labac in the town of Taal, Batangas, Philippines distinguishes itself in
its antiquity (1603) and in its surprising documentation. The
Commemorative Magazine on Our Lady of Caysasay quotes Fr. Pedro
Galende,,O.S.A., director of the museum of San Agustin, as saying that
the documentation reports are similar to those granted to the famed Lady
of Guadalupe apparitions in Mexico in 1531.
A Fisherman's Catch
The charming story of how the image of
Our Lady of Caysaysay was found is best captured in the words of Rev.
Fr. Vicente Catapang, former parish priest of Taal, immortalized in old
Tagalog novenas:
In the year 1603, in a small barrio of Caysasay, in the town of Taal, a fisherman by the name of Juan Maningcad went out fishing and instead of catching fish, caught a little statue of the Blessed Virgin of the Immaculate Conception about six inches high. Although it was soaked in water it had a heavenly luster and her face twinkled like a star... The news began to spread like lightning until it reached the priest in town, and the judge that represented the King of Spain at that time. Without notice they immediately went to Juan Maningcad's house and there they saw the beautiful image of the Mother of God. They knelt down to venerate it...
The image was placed under the care of a
certain Mrs. Maria del Espiritu Santo and later, given to the parish
priest. However, the petite Lady had a penchant for disappearing! One
day, the statue disappeared for a long time. After eight years, in 1611,
two women gathering firewood near the place where the image was
originally found, saw it atop a tall sampaga bush with two lighted
candles on each side, amongst kingfisher or casaycasay birds (called
caysasay by the Spaniards). The townsfolk and parish priest finally
concluded that it was the Virgin's wish to stay in Caysasay so they
decided to build a chapel on the very spot where the image was found.
occurred through the years. While the shrine of Our Lad of Caysasay was
being constructed, the workers did not have any water to drink since
the place was surrounded by salt water. They invoked Our Lady and fresh
water sprang from the rock where they could drink.
Apparitions of Our Lady of Caysasay
Aside from the story of how Juan
Maningcad fished out the statue of Our Lady from the Pansipit River,
there are historical records of her apparitions in the same area. Fr.
Casimiro Diaz, O.S.A., in his 18th century Conquista de las lslas
Filipinos, gives a detailed account. Excerpts:
In a sitio called Bingsacan, near the town of Caysasay, around 1611, the natives saw several times, mainly at night, near a river where they go to fetch water a very great light coming from a small opening in a large rock...After this unusual phenomenon had been witnessed...some natives, both men and women, decided to see what it really was. They saw an image of Our Lady just a little taller than the size of one open hand from the tip of the thumb to the tip of the middle finger, dressed in white, with a crown on her head, and in her arms was the Infant Jesus, who also wore a crown. Divine Providence granted this vision to some devout native women.
Since so many claimed to have seen the
apparitions of Our Lady of Caysasay, the church felt compelled to launch
an official inquiry. Fr. Pedro Galende, O.S.A., in his book, "Angels in
Stone: Augustinian Churches in the Philippines", citing the Augustinian
Libro del Gobierno, writes that on February 24, 1620, the Augustinians
issued an order to construct a church ''in the same place and site as
Caysasay, visita of Taal, as it has been verified through serious
investigation that the Most Holy Virgin has appeared there.”
Fr. Diaz further writes:
The Holy Image has performed numerous miracles, not only for those who have gone to the rock to ask for help from the Queen of Angels but also for those who drank from the water and bathed in the nearby stream.
These miracles are confirmed in the accounts that Fr. Pedro de Arce, Bishop of Cebu, and Governor of the Archbishopric of Manila ordered to be drawn up and prepared by Fr. Juan Bautista de Montoya, Prior of Taal, together with Fr. Geronimo de Medrano and Fr. Juan de Rojas.
As a result, an arch was constructed
over the spring near the church and named "Ang Balon ng Sta. Lucia''
(the Well of Sta. Lucia). To this day, the site of the well is known to
the towns folk as "Banal na Pook'' (sacred site) and vestiges of the
nearby spring called "Banal na Tubig" (Sacred water).
Our Lady of Caysasay as the "Original" of the Chinese Goddess Ma-cho
Another unique distinction in the long
history of Our Lady of Caysasay is the link between her and the Chinese
goddess, Ma-cho, protector of seafarers and overseas Chinese. History
texts reveal that Chinese devotees were present at the Caysasay shrine
even as early as the 17th and 18th century. Fr. Pedro Murillo Velarde,
S.J. in his Historia de Filipinas (1749) states that Caysasay was "one
of the most famous and frequently visited Shrines in these Islands,
where Spaniards, natives and Chinese go to ask favors from the Blessed
Through the years, the
link has endured. Aldrico Dy, head of the Ma-cho temple in La Union,
says that during their divination sessions, the goddess Ma-cho herself
pointed to the Lady of Caysasay as "her original". "We are the same," he
quotes Ma-cho as saying. Thus, the Chinese in La Union go on a
pilgrimage to the Shrine in Caysasay bringing with them their goddess
In 2003, the 400th year
anniversary of Our Lady of Caysasay, a formal ceremony was held at the
Shrine for Chinese devotees. There was a traditional Chinese ritual
ceremony followed by a Catholic Mass and even the praying of the Rosary
at the Basilica in Taal where everybody proceeded after the rites in
Caysasay. "Instigating" this Chinese connection seems to be the Blessed
Virgin herself judging by the fact that the most famous and best
documented of her miracles was to a Chinese named Hay Bing or Juan
Imbing (see story next page) in 1639.
She is Part of the Landscape and History
Many Filipinos, while aware of local
Marian sites as in Manaoag and Antipolo, are not aware of Our Lady's
manifestations in Labac, Taal. Taal, after all, is more known for its
small volcano. Just recently, this scenic town was also listed in the
World Heritage list since it is one of the most culturally-preserved
sites of the Spanish colonial era.
closer look, it is amazing how Our Lady has blended beautifully in the
town's landscape and history. Known for the world's smallest volcano,
the town of Taal also houses a small (is it the smallest?) miraculous
image of Our Lady that has survived centuries. During the violent
volcanic eruption in 1754, it was to the Shrine of Our Lady of Caysasay
that the people of O1d Taal sought refuge. After that, it was around her
that a new town, the present one, arose. Our Lady also has her imprint
in the town's colorful history; the Caysasay phenomenon is in the
historical records of the Augustinians who were assigned there, among
Mary in the Philippines
And yet, Our Lady of Caysasay is not only for the Batangueños.
The story of how she sprang from out of the waters way back 1603 is something for us all to cherish.
recently, more effort has been exerted to make known Our Lady of
Caysasay. A foundation has been established to look after the Shrine.
(Considering it is in the scenic town of Taal, it has got a lot of
tourism potentiall) A musical "Mapaghimalang Birhen ng Caysasay'',
penned by two foremost Filipino artists Ryan Cayabyab and Nestor Torre,
was staged at the Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP). Acting out
Hay Bing alternately were Ogie Alcasid and Cocoy Laurel.
Lourdes apparitions occurred much later, in1858 and now, this remote
village in France is one of the most famous Marian shrines in the world.
Should we regret that Caysasay, with all its documentation, has not
become famous, even in the Philippines? Maybe not. The story of Mary in
Caysasay is Mary in her best element: silent, hidden, and reaching out
to people like Juan Maningcad and Hay Bing who are the last and the
least in this world. It gives us a lot of comfort.
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